Руководство по эксплуатации Toyota Pick-Ups / Toyota 4-Runner. Инструкция по ремонту, пособие по эксплуатации. Модели с 1979 по 1995 год выпуска оборудованные бензиновыми двигателями.

помощь по ремонту toyota pick-ups, книга по ремонту тойота пикапс, руководство по ремонту toyota 4-runner, руководство по ремонту тойота 4раннер, ремонт toyota pick-ups, ремонт тойота пикапс, литература по toyota 4-runner, литература по тойота 4раннер
Издательство: Haynes.
Тип бумаги: газетная.
Кол-во страниц: .
Переплет: мягкий.
Цветность: черно-белая.
Вес: .
Формат: .
Тип двигателя: бензин.
Объем двигателя: .
ISBN: 1-56392-151-0.
Цена: 899 р. 899

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Introductory pages
Tune-up and routine maintance
Four-cylinder engines
V6 engine
General engine overhaul procedures
Cooling, heatig and air conditioning systems
Fuel and exhaust systems
Engine electrical systems
Emissions control systems
Manual transmission
Automatic transmission
Transfer case
Clutch and driveaxles
Suspension and steering systems (2WD)
Suspension and steering systems (4WD)
Classis electrical system
Wiring diagrams

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Tune-up and routine maintenance

Automatic transmission fluid change

  • At the specified time intervals, the transmission fluid should be drained and replaced and a new filter installed. Since the fluid should be hot when it's drained, drive the vehicle for 1 5 or 20 minutes before proceeding.
  • Before beginning work, purchase the specified transmission fluid (see Recommended lubricants and fluids at the front of this Chapter).
  • Other tools necessary for this job include jackstands to support the vehicle in a raised position, a drain pan capable of holding at least eight pints, newspapers and clean rags.
  • Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands.
  • With a drain pan in place, remove the plug and let the fluid drain into the pan (see illustration) Be careful not to burn yourself on anything - it may be wise to wear gloves.

Plug in pan Toyota 4-Runner

The automatic transmission fluid can be drained by removing the plug from the pan

  • Remove the bolts and detach the transmission pan and filler tube (see illustration). Discard the gasket. If the pan must be pried off, be very careful not to distort the pan or damage the transmission gasket surface!

Fluid in pan Toyota 4-Runner 1979 Haynes

Lower the pan carefully — it'll still have some fluid in it

  • Carefully pry the tubes loose with a screwdriver (see illustration).

Tubes Toyota 4-Runner 1979 Haynes

Use a screwdriver to carefully pry the tubes loose

  • Remove the bolts and detach the filter/strainer from the transmission (see illustration).

Filter Toyota 4-Runner 1979 Haynes

The filter is held in place with several bolts

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